The Mega Test

Ron no longer mails or scores this test.

The one-in-a-million I.Q. test

Published online with permission from the author:

Ronald K. Hoeflin
P.O. Box 539
New York, NY 10101

Change History:

4/12/03 Fee lowered from $30 to $25. However, it must now be paid up front when requesting a copy of the test. Note: Do not email me asking for a copy of the test!
9/24/01 Fee increased from $20 to $30.
4/5/01 Fee decreased to $20.
1/15/00 Fee increased from $25 to $33.
12/20/99 Test removed from this website.
8/3/99 Ron has now indicated that people who send in the pre-printed answer sheet (with Mega27 questions marked with asterisks) will automatically receive Mega27 scores along with Mega total scores.
6/17/99 Added instruction from Ron to request a Mega 27 score report when submitting a full answer sheet if both scorings are desired.
5/30/99 Added instruction from Ron to send original full Mega Test answer sheet when requesting Mega27 rescore.
5/3/99 Added information about the Mega27.
11/1/97 The Triple Nine Society is currently debating whether or not it will continue to accept the Mega Test, but it doesn't appear likely that it will.
6/30/97 Swapped the ordering of problems 37 and 42 in the Mega Test, again in accordance with the test as Ron originally designed it (per Ron's request).
6/22/97 Added cross-references to the Hoeflin Power Test where appropriate.
6/7/97 Incorporated response from Ron regarding reference material.
6/2/97 The ordering of problems 5 and 18 of the Mega Test has been reversed, in accordance with the test as Ron originally designed it. Omni omitted a hyphen from problem 18 (as it is now ordered), which has been re-included in the online version. John Sununu complained that the omitted hyphen cost him hours of extra labor!
6/2/97 The rule regarding use of pocket calculators has been clarified. A question has been asked about the fairness of using the full search capabilities of current online library catalogs to help solve analogies. I am awaiting a ruling from Ron.
6/2/97 Subscores to the tests are no longer reported.



1. ANSWER SHEET. Please print out the answer sheet and write your answers there. Provide the other information requested too.

2. TIME LIMIT. There is no enforceable time limit, but one month would be a reasonable amount of time to spend on the test.

3. ADDITIONS AND CORRECTIONS TO ANSWERS: No additions or corrections to your initial set of answers will be accepted. You get only one try at this test, so do your best the first time.

4. ASSISTANCE. So that no one will gain an unfair advantage by using reference aids, everyone is both permitted and encouraged to use books (In response to the question of online library catalog searches, Hoeflin writes: "I'd prefer that people employ just a dictionary and thesaurus in book form ... my test is not intended to be a test of computer-using skills."). Paper and pencil should suffice for this test, but if desired, you may use a non-programmable pocket calculator (for addition, subtraction, multiplication, or division); however, computers are not allowed as aids to the test. This restriction includes, but is not limited to the use of: commercial offerings such as spreadsheets and mathematical programs, user-written programs, electronic encyclopedias, Web search engines, and online sequence databases. Any assistance from other persons is prohibited.

If you have plans to take Hoeflin's Power Test (a compilation of the best nonverbal and non-sequence problems from the Mega, Titan, and Ultra Tests), you should be aware that that test has more restrictive rules, disallowing the use of calculators and reference material altogether. I have provided cross-references to the Power Test -- you are free to use or ignore these links as appropriate for you. [DTM]

5. DISCUSSION OF PROBLEMS. As the Mega Test may be used as an admissions test to several societies, please do not share answers in a public forum with anyone who has not tried this test already. If you have plans to take Hoeflin's Power Test, then you should not share answers at all.

6. GUESSING. There is no penalty for wrong answers or guesses, so it is to your advantage to guess whenever you are unsure of an answer.

7. FEE. There is $25 fee, payable to the test designer, "Ronald K. Hoeflin," at P.O. Box 539, New York, NY 10101, U.S.A. Send your check when you request a copy of the test. Checks or money orders must be made payable in U.S. dollars through any U.S. bank or post office. Please remember that postal delivery services which require a signature cannot be delivered to post office boxes. When you send your scoresheet in, you will receive a scoresheet showing your raw score, your corresponding I.Q. score, and its estimated percentile in the general population. Subscores within the test are no longer reported because it gives people too much of a clue which problems they got right or wrong and because the subtests are too short to be much help to people in evaluating their verbal or math aptitudes. (see item 10 below for an update on scoring fee).

8. SCORESHEETS. Send to Ronald K. Hoeflin at the above address. Allow up to four weeks to elapse before complaining about not receiving a score report. Most scores are sent out within two or three weeks of the receipt of your answers.

9. SOCIETY ADMISSIONS USAGE: This test is accepted as an admissions test by the Top One Percent Society (minimum: 14 right), the One-in-a-Thousand Society (24 right), the IQuadrivium Society (24 right), the Glia Society (24 right), the Prometheus Society (36 correct on the full test obtained before April 25, 1999; 21 correct on the Mega27 before November 27, 1999), and the Mega Society (43 right, obtained before 1995).

10. MEGA27: The Mega27 is a subset of the full Mega Test, and is currently used by the Prometheus Society (as of April 24, 1999) as an acceptance test into that society (scores on the full Mega Test are no longer accepted as of the same date). I have indicated with asterisks the problems which comprise the Mega27. Test participants may submit answers either for the full test or for the Mega27 subset. The scoring fee remains $20 for either version. If a person submits an answer sheet for the full test with asterisks marking the Mega27 problems (use my pre-printed answer sheet), scores for both the full test and the Mega27 will be reported. People who have already received score reports for the full test and would like to have a Mega27 score reported will have to pay a $12.50 rescoring fee. Since the full Mega Test is still being scored, the comments regarding discussion of problem answers (item 5) still apply, even for those problems which are not included in the Mega27.

Ron has recently written that people requesting a Mega27 score for a previously taken Mega Test should submit a copy of their Mega Test answers (on all 48 problems) along with the $12.50 scoring fee.

Look at the Mega Test Norming

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